protect. there is no wind in geometrical worlds by Inge Gappmaier
Inge Gappmaier creates a hypnotic and tense atmosphere in her dance piece protect, in which she stages a duet with herself. Accompanied by a hauntingly eerie soundscape, the dancer reflects on questions about the isolated and narcissistic self and its reflection in the digital world.
The focus of ,protect’ is on digital self-observation and the difference between mirror image, virtuality and physical reality. In terms of content, Inge Gappmaier ties in with practices of ego constitution in social media, filter bubbles and their algorithms, and methods of self-optimization in our society. What happens to the concrete body when the gaze gets caught in one's own reflection? protect. brings the body as a contour between nature and culture in its self-observation onto the stage and poses questions about protective spaces, control and power structures as well as loneliness and duality. The piece invites us to dive into a multidimensional world of geometry, accumulation and intuition.
Künstlerische Gesamtleitung und Tanz Inge Gappmaier Dramaturgie Lisa-Marie Radtke,Stefanie Sommer Technische Leitung und Lichtdesign Robert Lässig Sounddesign Inge Gappmaier und Zsolt Bodoki-Halmen
Fotografie Natali Glisic