Jacques, written by Eugène Ionesco, translated by Donald Watson

performed at The Network Theatre

Director: Nigel Williams

Movement Director/Coach: Stefanie Sommer 

Prdoucer/Assistant Director/Stage Manager: Charlotte Mackintosh

Performed by: Vlada Lemeshevska, Ivan Comisso, Alastair Callcutt, Eleni Young, Alexandra Luiza, Ashleigh Jade Loeb, Alexandra Hysic


The thrust of the narrative involves Jacques’ arranged marriage to Roberta and, when the first Roberta is not satisfactory, Roberta II. The play contains nonsensical exchanges and strings of clichés, similar to The Bald Prim Donna, and the sort of surreal conceits common in many of Ionesco's later plays.

Praise for Jacques: 

Jacques, directed by Nigel Williams, is ... well, it's just extraordinary and worth seeing if only for the somewhat dubious beauty of the bride and the utterly bonkers, literally orgasmic, final scene. - Heyevent