Mountview is one of the UK's leading drama schools, with a long-standing and international reputation for providing the highest quality training to actors, musical theatre peformers, directors and theatre technicians. Courses are structured to give students a thorough grounding in all aspects of their chosen field. Students are trained to develop a high level of skills which will bring thought, energy and commitment to their professional work, giving them the tools to succeed in a competitive industry.


Stefanie taught the Three - Week Acting Summer Masterclass and was also part of the audition panel at Mountview. 

The first week comprises of gaining key skills in ACTING, VOICE  and MOVEMENT, the second week is dedicated to unlocking Shakespeare and the third week finishes with looking at Audition Technique. 



Each day focused on a specific area of movement fundamentals and then led on to character work, looking at a specific monologue chosen by the student.

Themes covered throughout the week focused on Laban's concepts of Space, Time and Weight as well as elements of Jacques Lecoq's work on group connection and chorus work. Further, Michael Chekhov's work and Stefanie's personal work on muscular engagment was applied to access the student's imagination. All these elements were then brought together when starting the work on text and character analysis.

At the end of the week each student had a clear practical understanding of their specific character in regards to posture, gesture and energetic and emotional engagement. 


"I have always had a passion for acting, so I decided to apply to attend one of London's leading drama school summer courses at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. This is where I was first introduced to movement with Stefanie. and I must say, with some trepidation as I hadn't done any flexibility work in years. I was soon put at complete ease as Stefanie works at each individual student's abilitiy. Over the coming weeks I learnt how to move in several different ways and how to apply this to my acting. I have gone on to study at Mountview's foundation course and further studied Laban's movement work. Not only is Stefanie an excellent teacher, but as I have studied further, I now realise the depth Stefanie has of her craft. On a final note, it was one of the most enjoyable classes I have ever attended and a great fun learning experience. All I can say is a big thank you to Stefanie." (Dean John Bowling)